The Russian Saiga-12 is among the best shotguns available because it has been tested in a variety of battlefield environments. The American AA-12 and the Italian M-4 Super 90 are two others that stand out.
Saiga-12, a military vehicle manufactured in Russia.
The American AA-12 has its counterpart in the Russian Saiga-12. Both weapons can unleash devastating firepower on battlefields, allowing the military to truly send their enemies to the pits of hell.
However, the Russian is twice as fast, with a rate of fire of 600 shots per minute in comparison to the AA-12’s 360. The Saiga-12’s fire rate is comparable to that of another Russian masterpiece, the AK-47, which is an interesting fact. Comparable to the PKM, the best machine gun in the country.
The Saigá has a selectable firing mode as well. It can be used either fully automatically with 12ga ammunition or semi-automatically for more tactical purposes.
Remember that these shotguns were designed for close combat and have no chance of success at ranges of more than 50 metres. You can see more related to ikelos shotgun vs perfect paradox.
A lot of times, the power of assault rifle cartridges is just too much for situations where a lot of people are in one place, like during building assaults or downtown shootouts. Those bullets are accurate enough that they could kill a bystander as well as an enemy. According to Russia Beyond’s interview with Andrei Kirisenko, deputy chairman of the Central Council of the Russian Practical Shooting Federation, special forces require a weapon suitable for close combat.
He claims the Saiga can effectively function at distances of up to 50 metres. Its shot is the same as firing a full magazine of an 8mm PM pistol, which is nine bullets.
“The Saigá is the only solvent shotgun in the world with a box-shaped magazine. If necessary, a policeman can change the cartridges for traumatic ammunition”, explains Kirisenko.
The rifle’s design is derived from the Kalashnikov assault rifle, the expert said, making it dependable and impregnable.
An American AA-12
After the Vietnam War, when the US Army desperately needed a powerful and robust weapon for close combat, this product entered the market.
With a capacity of 32 rounds, the AA-12 is a fully automatic shotgun. Allows a marksman to rain down massive amounts of buckshot on their enemies with 12 gauge ammunition. Low recoil is the main selling point of this firearm, making it possible for even a novice shooter to hold their own. A child could use it with no trouble at all.
These shotguns have become very popular in the United States but are unfortunately hard to come by in Russia.
The M-4 Super 90 of Italian origin
It’s likely the most well-liked foreign shotgun in Russia. In addition to its ergonomics and dependability, the Italian Benelli M-4 Super 90 is also renowned for its aesthetics.
American law enforcement and the military have adopted it because it is one of the best shotguns available. Its Picatinny rail and collapsible stock increase the operational mobility of its users by allowing them to attach a wide variety of tactical accessories.
The United States Marine Corps relies heavily on Italian Benelli M-4 Super 90 assault rifles. Most likely, this was the best advertising for a weapon that has quickly become a best-seller in Russia’s civilian arms market.
However, it’s pricey in comparison to similar Russian weapons. The Saiga-12 can be purchased for around $400, while the M-4 costs nearly $3,000 after adding on penalties and customs duties.
These three shotguns are indispensable to armed forces and security forces around the world, and the nations that developed them will forever be linked to them.
Here you will find the most recent developments in the world of arms, as presented by Putin himself.